Uh Oh College for November 30, 2023 - Why a college's graduation rate is important to your income
What if your car only worked 50% of the time? What if your doctor was only correct 50% of the time, Cell phone worked on 70% of the time?
The same logic applies to colleges – unlike the scenarios I just shared - that bad performance is way too common. In too many private and public colleges there are 4 year graduation rates below 50% and 6-year rates below 70% year after year after year.
Our CV App tracks both for every private and public college in the U.S. We even provide free top and bottom graduation rate reports for every college in the U.S. You can see them in the blog at our collegeviability.com site.
If a college doesn’t have the systems and processes in place to help you or your student stay on track to graduate in 4 (or fewer) years, too many of there students will both have higher college costs and will lose potential post-college income because they are still in college finishing up the needed courses.
Here are links to our College Viability app products.
Here are links to our College Viability app products.
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